
How to Prepare Your Home for Renovation Like a Pro

Taking a professional approach to preparing your home for renovation can help you maintain full control over the process and minimise the stress and discomfort that often come with construction work. Additionally, this will significantly ease the work for your renovation company, which will surely appreciate your efforts. Check out our valuable tips to help you prepare your home for a renovation like a pro.

Create a Detailed Renovation Plan

Before starting any work, it’s essential to create a detailed renovation plan. This will not only help you organise everything in the right order but also facilitate communication with your local builders. Establishing a work schedule, listing the necessary materials, and outlining the stages of the renovation are key elements that will make it easier to monitor the progress. A good plan also lays the foundation for minimising potential delays and unforeseen costs.

Stock Up on Protective Products

Want to prevent damage and mess during the renovation? In that case, make sure to stock up on the right protective products. Painter’s plastic sheeting, protective tapes, floor coverings, and furniture covers are just a few of the items you should have on hand during the renovation. Remember, even the best decorators in your area can’t guarantee that paint won’t splatter on surfaces you haven’t secured. If you’re unsure about which protective materials to choose, ask your local construction company for advice.

Remove Unnecessary Items

Before letting the construction team into your home, it’s a good idea to clear out all unnecessary items from the rooms being renovated. This applies to both small objects and larger pieces of furniture. Personal items like jewellery, money, and decorations should be stored in a safe place to reduce the risk of damage or theft. Additionally, try to remove curtains, rugs, clothing, and easily movable furniture. The fewer items left in the renovation areas, the easier it will be to maintain order and provide enough space for the construction team.

Protect Remaining Items and Surfaces

Not all furniture and fixtures can be removed from the rooms, so it’s important to secure them properly. Heavy or hard-to-move furniture, such as large wardrobes or sofas, should be moved to the centre of the room and covered with protective plastic. Also, be sure to secure doors, windows, and other surfaces that may be exposed to dirt or damage. Sometimes, the offer of the construction company may include interior protection – be sure to check and agree on this before starting the project.

Organise Space for the Construction Team

It’s also a good idea to organise a space for the construction team. Create an area where they can store their tools and building materials, especially if the renovation is going to be long-term. Try to set aside a space for breaks and rest as well. Providing access to a bathroom and at least basic kitchen facilities is another consideration that will help ensure the work progresses smoothly and in comfortable conditions for the workers you’ve hired.

Inform Your Neighbours About the Renovation

A home renovation can also be challenging for your neighbours. Noise, dust, and increased traffic are things they should be prepared for. Therefore, try to inform them in advance about the upcoming work and apologise for any inconvenience. A small gesture, such as offering homemade cookies, can work wonders and help ease any potential tension.

Prepare a Place for Construction Waste

Renovations tend to generate a significant amount of construction waste, and proper disposal is a must. It’s crucial to plan ahead for where this waste will be stored and how it will be removed. Some renovation companies may take care of waste removal for you, but it’s wise to confirm this beforehand to avoid any unexpected hassles. Additionally, keep in mind that construction waste disposal is subject to specific legal regulations, so make sure you’re in compliance to steer clear of any fines.

Ensure Comfortable Conditions for Yourself and Your Family

During a renovation, daily life at home can quickly become challenging. Noise, dust, and lack of space are just a few of the disruptions that can take a toll on your comfort – and your sanity. That’s why it’s essential to prepare a quiet space where you and your family can escape the renovation chaos. If the project is especially disruptive, don’t hesitate to consider alternative living arrangements. Whether it’s staying with family or friends, camping out at your office, or booking a hotel, a temporary change of scenery can help you get through the renovation with minimal stress.